Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Greetings From Tucson

I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know how my mini training camp in Tucson is going!

We arrived Friday morning to +20 temperatures and clear blue skies. Over the past four days we have clocked over 14 hours of riding. We rode Gates Pass two days ago and attempted to ride the "Shoot Out" yesterday but after heading off into what seemed like the middle of nowhere for longer than we wanted, we decided to turn around (turns out we were only 2 miles from the cross road we were looking for)! Today was yet another adventure that involved a wrong turn that put us heading south on the I-19 which is the highway to Mexico! Needless to say we did an about turn after we realized our mistake.

Tucson is a very bike friendly town. Nice wide bike lanes everywhere and all drivers seem to respect this. I will admit that my heart lies in the classic rides of Victoria, but given that I am now sporting a nice "farmer's burn" in the middle of February, I can't complain.

Having the chance to focus solely on putting in some quality training without the worries of work and various other commitments is definitely an opportunity that I am grateful to have. I go to bed tired and wake up ready to take on another adventure.

I hope that everyone else's training is going well.


... We get footage of the Tour de California on American OLN, VS. It is great, although I wouldn't want to be riding in the weather they are experiencing. Yesterday everyone was so covered up the commentators were having a tough time determining who was who!

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